Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You Ought to Write a Book

Have people told you that you ought to write a book? Have you been saying it to yourself for years? It’s time to make your dream come true. Join the You Ought To Write a Book! workshop. Get that book out of your head and onto paper.

Past workshop participants said this:

After sitting on the first chapter of my novel for two years without any action, I decided it couldn't hurt to sign up for this class, which suggested I could write my novel in six months. Well, I was not convinced, but signed up anyway. What do you know, it worked! Six months later I had completed the first draft of my novel. The weekly assignments, twice weekly writing tips, monthly teleconferences with other professionals, plus constant support and encouragement was exactly what I needed to get the job done.

Dorothy Tedlie


You do help us to be more creative. It was during one of the early exercises that I tapped into a fountain of ideas for a novel. I never dreamed of writing a novel. Yet the voice just kept going. Thank you for being the guide on the writing program. Keep up with the good work.

Amy Lee Segami


It took me forever to get started writing my book, but with encouragement, and lots of good ideas for getting past the block, I finally got started and haven't stopped since. This program has given me the structure and the freedom to write the way I need to. The conference calls were stimulating and informative, and getting to know some of the other students was a bonus. For reticent writers, for any writers, I can and will highly recommend this course.

Carrie Daniel

Here’s how it works…
Conference Calls

We kick off with a live Conference Call. We will share the plan for the six month program, upcoming conferences and your first assignment! Can’t be on the call? That’s okay! All calls will be recorded so you can play them back at your convenience! All assignments will arrive by e-mail so you can go at your own pace.

Five more Conference Calls during the workshop will present inspiring stories and advice from successfully published and self-published authors, writing instructors, editors, and a literary agent. You be able to have your questions answered by experts!

Initial Questionnaire—to set your intention
Accountability Check-ins
—to keep you on track
Weekly Assignments—to give you steps toward your goal
Writing Tips and Tricks—twice weekly e-mails to inform and inspire you along the way
A critique of your writing—up to ten pages of your manuscript
E-mail your questions—We’ll help you find the answer!

The workshop begins January 22 and lasts for six months! That's right, six months; and YES, you can write a first draft in six months. Where will your book be if you don't start today?

What is the cost for all this?
Only $299

That’s right!

Less than $2 a day to make your dream come true! Because we don’t want money to stop you from embarking on this empowering and life-changing journey.

Class begins May 26, 2010! Contact Dianne Morr 630-740-4701 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 630-740-4701 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or dianne@

1 comment:

  1. You probably want to fix the date of when the class begins.
